Letter from the Executive Director

My favorite two words are "BUT GOD". Scripture is full of "But God" moments. (Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 10:13, Matthew 19:26, Psalm 73:26, Genesis 50:20 to name a few). It is a powerful phrase that points to God's power, grace, and love. We live in a world that is a mess. There is injustice and innocent people suffer. But the story is not over yet. BUT GOD. God is compassionate, He knows what is happening, and He is close to the brokenhearted. We look forward to the final BUT GOD moment when Jesus writes every wrong, heals every hurt, and drys every tear. But until then we can face the hard moments and know those are our BUT GOD moments!

When you begin to look into the heartbreaking statistics of the young women we are ministering to it can bring you to your knees. There is a devastating impact of people aging out of the foster system without proper support, reports say that 60% of those people will end up on the street, in jail, and possibly trafficked within the first two years. Also, over 50% of children who are born to teen moms aging of the foster system are also put into foster care.

Too often these young women haven’t finished high school, have been physically or sexually abused, and don’t know how to get a driver’s license or bank account… how are they supposed to understand how to properly take care of their children, find daycare, get a job, keep a job, finish school, etc?

Of course, there are also other circumstances where we may have a young woman come through our doors. Maybe they ran away from home, got kicked out when they got pregnant, found themselves in a domestic abuse situation, etc.

BUT GOD is in the business of miraculously restoring what has been broken, building hope in the storm. That is our hope. We hope to come alongside these women and their children to offer them hope, give them another chance at a successful life, offer services to help them heal from the past, let them see that we are also human, show them what unconditional love is (even when they get in trouble and have to deal with consequences), a biblical foundation, and give them the resources to not only thrive in life and take care of their children but also how to change the trajectory of the generations that will come!

Will this be easy? No. Will we be faithful in this task that God has asked us to do? Absolutely. We want to be an organization that is small but mighty. Our team has years of serving in different capacities with the foster care system, and various non-profits, and each one of us has life experiences that make them uniquely qualified to be an asset to this ministry. But what I think is even more amazing is how God has brought us together, given us the heart and passion for these young women and a desire to serve them so they can go on to live independent lives.

We are thankful for each person visiting this website, that financially donates, individuals on the board of directors and advisory committee, those who physically help, and the prayer warriors. Without you, we couldn’t do this. It truly does take a village.

As an organization, even if we are small, we desire to take strong and courageous action to fulfill our mission to walk with these young women. Our prayer is that we remain faithful, strong, humble, a unified team, and soft-hearted. We ask that you come alongside us in the times we rejoice about life change and when tears fall during harder times. Thank you for joining us on this precious journey!

In Him,

Tina Barham

Executive Director