Isaiah 1:17 gives us three actions: “Learn to do good; seek justice; correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless and plead the widow’s cause” (ESV). Do good. Seek justice. Correct oppression. These may seem vague, but there are big implications for each one. To do good is to bring joy or gladness to others. What would bring joy to a young woman facing a lonely, uncertain future? To bring justice can mean to seek or demand justice. How can we advocate justice for them? Correcting oppression is to relieve or to bring prosperity to those whom the strong exploit. What/who is oppressing these women as they enter the world alone? Many problems in our world seem so far beyond our reach, but God has given us the capacity to make progress in addressing a true need that is right here in our community.

Because of numerous distressing reasons, too many children and youth in our community live away from their natural birth parents, in foster care and kinship homes. These young people are at extreme risk of life-long poverty, homelessness, substance abuse, early death, and unproductive or under-productive lives.

Nearly half of all girls who lived in foster care are pregnant by age 19, many producing children who join the cycle of abuse and neglect.

Nearly 50% of these young people end up homeless because they have no support system.

Over 50% do not have a job.

Many have not graduated from high school.

Additionally, most do not have a driver’s license, basic life skills, or a life plan.

Covered Waters is dedicated to helping at-risk young mothers successfully transition into adulthood