We have compiled these resources with the intention of assisting you in finding the tools necessary for a healthy and stable life. The links provided here are designed to serve as a starting point for your journey. These resources are mostly local to the Fremont area, state resources. Please note that we will be continuously updating these resources to ensure you have access to the most current information. However, we do not assume responsibility for the content of these links, and they should not be considered endorsements or referrals.

If you are looking for more resources that are for all of Nebraska and Iowa, visit 211.


  • Help line for parents, grandparents, baby-sitters, and caregivers, including tips to calm a crying baby.

    Education on prevention of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

    (866) 243-2229

  • Adult Protective Services. Call or fax to report suspected cases of adult abuse or exploitation. Investigates and provides services to elderly and mentally or physically disabled persons age 18 or older who require protection from abuse or neglect.

    Child Protective Services. Call or fax to report suspected cases of child abuse or exploitation of children. Services may be offered during and following an initial assessment to protect the child and improve the conditions that contributed to the risk of abuse and neglect. Services that may be offered include in-home family therapy, family support services, day care, case management, and temporary foster care.

    (800) 652-1999

  • The Bridge- Fremont NE

    Support related to domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include a 24 hours crisis line, emergency shelter, emergency transportation, and crisis intervention.

    (402) 721-4340

  • Provides a 24-hour hotline for sexual assault and domestic violence, human trafficking, safety planning, and information.

    (402) 345-6555

  • 24 hour nationwide hotline providing short-term counseling and crisis intervention to children and families experiencing any type of difficulty in their lives. Provides information about help agencies and programs throughout the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, The Virgin Islands, and Guam.

    Website,, offers an online resource for kids/teens where they can communicate with trained counselors four different ways - by text, email, online chat, or by calling the Hotline. The website also offers tips on how to deal with challenging situations, a bulletin board where teens ask questions regarding different topics that are answered by counselors and then posted so others can read and relate, and journal pages where teens can download and print worksheets to help them work through issues and create solutions.

    Text VOICE to 20121 - available every day 2 pm-1 am CST.
    Online Chat services available on website Mon-Fri 6 pm-12 Midnight CST.
    Call (800) 448-3000 Mon-Sun 24 hours.
    Email by filling out form on website, someone will respond within 48 hours.

Local Government/ Services

Emergency Services

Employment and Income

  • Employment services including job matching and referral, job search and job placement assistance, career guidance and assessment, employer services, labor market information, apprenticeships, veteran services, resume design, interview skills development, and a variety of other programs and services.

    Computers with internet available.

    Many services also apply to out-of-school individuals ages 14-24 with employment barriers, including:

    -- Paid work experience, summer employment, and on-the-job training opportunities

    -- Tuition assistance

    -- On site tutoring

    -- Support services to assist with application fees, enrollment fees, work attire, school or work supplies, etc.

    (402) 444-4700

  • Free Income Tax Prep for Low-income individuals/families and senior citizens (60 & over)

  • Employment program for people who experience a disability. Assists people with disabilities prepare for, find, and keep a job. Program is voluntary and the services provided will be specific to an individual's needs.

    Helps businesses recruit, train, and retain employees with disabilities.

    (402) 727-2900

    1730 East 23rd Avenue N, Fremont, NE, 68025

Housing and Utilities

  • Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program (NHAP)- Available to apply at homeless shelters
    May provide financial assistance to qualifying individuals and families with up to two months of rent or past due rent; or utilityassistance or past due utilities; or payment of a security deposit or utility deposit through Nebraska Homeless Assistance Program. Along with the financial assistance, it is mandatory for the client to participate in case management. Case management includes budgeting provides a one-on-one support to the customer. Assistance includes intervention which is used during a crisis to solve problems that contribute to homelessness. The goal of this program is to assist individuals and families in moving toward self-sufficiency.

    Eligibility & Application:
    There is an application process in which documentation of information is required such as:

    1. Proof of income for the household

    2. Proof of residency

    3. Proof of emergency need such as excessive reduction in income through no fault of the client, such as excessive medical expenses, car repairs paid, etc.

    4. Must have an eviction notice from the landlord or shut off notice from the utility company.

    5. Provide copy of driver’s license and social security cards (not mandatory but preferred) for all household members.

  • Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP)- Available to apply at homeless shelters

    Provides financial assistance to help eligible clients with a partial one month past due utility or one month past due rent, resulting from an emergency. Deposits are excluded from this funding.

    Eligibility & Application:
    There is an application process in which documentation of information is required such as:

    1.    Proof of income for the household

    2.    Proof of residency

    3.    Proof of emergency need such as excessive reduction in income through no fault of the client, such as excessive medical expenses, car repairs paid, etc.

    4.    Must have an eviction notice from the landlord or shut off notice from the utility company

    5.    Provide copy of driver’s license and social security cards (not mandatory but preferred) for all household members

  • Weatherization can reduce energy costs for a long period of time. Some typical weatherization measures that may be done to your home include sidewall and attic insulation; infiltration work (caulking and weather stripping around doors and windows and glass repair); and repair/replacement of furnace or heating unit.

    (402) 721-0619

    212 East 8th Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Through Fremont Habitat's Home Repair Loan Program, qualified families receive a no-interest loan to help pay for necessary repairs to their homes.

    0% interest loans help qualified homeowners afford the repairs they need, with repayment terms to fit their budget.

    Regular Repair Program

    Veteran's Repair Program

    Flood Plain Repair Program (special short-term repair program for non-flood related repairs to homes located in the flood plain)

    Types of Repairs:
    -- Heating, water heaters
    -- Roof replacement
    -- Windows and interior doors
    -- Plumbing
    -- Electrical
    -- Other repairs may qualify

    (402) 721-8771

    226 East 2nd Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Utility assistance, only for Black Hills Energy.

    For those who live in Nebraska - outside of Douglas or Sarpy County - and are in need of utility assistance, please call the HeatShare program: (402) 898-5942 or (402) 898-5894.

    For those who live in Douglas or Sarpy County and need help paying utility bills, please call Salvation Army's Utility help line at (402) 898-5966. HeatShare is a Salvation Army-Black Hills Energy partnership that provides emergency utility assistance for individuals and families in greater Nebraska.

    (402) 721-0930

    707 North I Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Access point for the community's homeless response system. Individuals and families who are at imminent risk of homelessness (with no house, apartment, etc. to stay tonight) will complete an assessment and receive help to find housing options.

    (402) 721-0619

    212 East 8th Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Housing stability to those at risk of homelessness and the most vulnerable in the community. In addition to assisting with rent and utility needs, case managers assist individuals and families in creating a budget, securing, improving, or maintaining employment, and applying for benefits.

    The program allows individuals and families to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency and prevent homelessness. This program works in conjunction with the food pantry and the voucher program.

    (402) 721-3125

    723 North Broad, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Offers a 24-hour a day, 60-bed emergency shelter, providing a safe and secure environment for those who are homeless. Those at the shelter receive meals, showers, clothing, and other hygiene necessities. While meeting these basic needs, case managers work closely with individuals through intensive case management, applying for benefits, assisting with sustainable income, and creating sustainable budgets.

    (402) 721-3125

    723 North Broad, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Home modification projects to protect vulnerable individuals and families from harmful exposures to health and safety hazards, ramp installation and maintenance for qualifying individuals, and ciritcal home repairs (roof, floor, bathroom, plumbing, etc.).

    (402) 727-7047

    445 East 1st Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Home improvement outlet that sells new and gently-used donated merchandise. Items include appliances, building supplies, furniture, and household items.

    Allows community members to donate their items for re-sale, keeping them out of the landfill. All items are sold at a discount, allowing persons of every income level to purchase items. Volunteers receive, sort and assist customers. Revenues generated by the store fund the construction costs to build affordable, safe and energy efficient Habitat homes.

    (402) 721-8771

    701 East Dodge Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Public housing offers 245 units of affordable housing.

    Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program for family housing.

    Elderly affordable housing; LIHTC tax credit program.

    (402) 727-4848

    2510 North Clarkson Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Family Housing Advisory Services, Inc. (FHAS) Foreclosure Prevention Program provides Housing and Urban Development (HUD) certified one-on-one education counseling that assists homeowners who are delinquent or facing foreclosure. If you are at risk of losing your home, you may qualify for options that can help you save your home!

  • Address: 301 Centennial Mall South, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509

    Phone: 1-402-471-3121 | 1-800-254-4202

Domestic Violence/ Human Trafficking

  • Aids victims of crime who are unaware of the avenues of assistance open to them. The majority of crime victims are not knowledgeable of the procedures necessary to obtain assistance, or they are too traumatized or injured to cope with the problem. Victim Services is a free public service offering information, practical assistance and counseling referrals to victims of crime.

    (402) 727-2795

    435 North Park Avenue, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Support related to domestic violence and sexual assault. Services include a 24 hours crisis line, emergency shelter, emergency transportation, and crisis intervention.

    Education and support, including support groups for survivors and children.

    Referrals for legal and medical help and assistance with protection orders.

    (402) 721-4340

    141 South Union Street, Fremont, NE, 68026

Food and Supplies


Financial Assistance

  • Services include assistance for homeless prevention and moving out of homelessness; basic needs assistance (rent and utilities); gas vouchers, car repairs, and other transportation assistance; and prescription assistance.

    (402) 727-8977

    240 North Main Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Budget counseling for individuals who are seeking financial stability through budget management.

    (402) 721-0930

    707 North I Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Connects community members who need financial assistance with community partners who assist them in applying. Serves as a community hub for information, resources, and partnerships. The program does not provide direct service to clients.

    (402) 721-4157

    445 East 1st Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Financial Education is a component of being empowered by your household's financial success. We encourage participants through Independence, Growth, Financial Assessments, and Goal Achievements. Financial Education connects our clients with financial resources to address the underlying barriers and achieve financial stability. The Financial Education course is designed to teach the fundamentals of personal finance. Come and learn how your financial foundation can prosper.

Family Services

Senior and Disability

Education/ Life Skills

  • What is the Early Development Network?

    ·       EDN serves children ages Birth to 3 years who may be experiencing developmental delays or serious health/medical issues that affects their health and development. Services are also provided for the family as it relates to their child's special needs.

    ·       EDN operates year around; 12 months. It is not limited to the school calendar.

    ·       EDN is co-administrated by the Nebraska Departments of Education and Health and Human Services via Part C of IDEA.

    What service does the Early Development Network provide for families?

    ·       EDN provides family-centered services in relation to the child's qualifying need. Services that may be provided, but aren't limited to:

    o   Services Coordination

    o   Assistive Technology Devices and Services

    o   Early Childhood Education

    o   Transportation to Receive Services

    o   Speech/Language Therapy

    o   Audiology Services

    o   Physical Therapy

    o   Vision Services

    o   Occupational Therapy

    o   Nutrition Services

    o   Psychological Services

    o   Counseling and/or Social Work

    What is the cost to families to participate in EDN?

    ·       EDN is a free, voluntary program with no income guidelines for infants/toddlers experiencing delays, and their families.

    Who can make a referral to EDN?

    ·       A referral may be made by anyone concerned about the child's development by calling: 1- 888-806-6287. You may contact your local EDN agency to make a referral at (402)371- 7284. With the family's verbal permission, the EDN Services Coordinator will follow-up with the referral to advise of the status/outcome of the child's referral.

    What happens after I make a referral to EDN?

    ·       Families who choose to participate receive an evaluation by the local school district to determine the unique needs of the child and his/her eligibility. The evaluation is to be conducted in the family's native language, if feasible. The local school district staff evaluates the child in 5 domains to determine the child's specific verification for EDN Special Education services and to determine which services will best improve the development of the child.

    ·       EDN does not require proof of citizenship to receive evaluation or services.

    ·       Once a child is verified per state/federal criteria as eligible for EDN services, and Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is developed which sets goals for the child/family and identifies activities/services needed to achieve those goals. Currently, the IFSP is available in Spanish and Vietnamese. Once a referral is received by the local EDN agency, the evaluation and IFSP is completed and implemented in a maximum of 45 days.

    ·       All medical/health and related professionals working with the child should receive a copy of the IFSP from the Child's Services Coordinator, with parent permission, as all are working together as a team to service the child. If the child moves, copies of the evaluation and IFSP can be sent to the receiving early intervention program.

    Who may benefit from EDN services?

    ·       The following are examples of infants/toddlers who have benefitted from early intervention services:

    o   infant/toddler not meeting typical developmental milestones

    o   infant experiencing feeding/swallowing issues and not gaining weight appropriately

    o   child not using sounds/speech/words as expected

    o   infant born with hearing loss or experiences later hearing loss/impairment

    o   infant/toddler diagnosed as failure to thrive

    o   child experiences physical abuse or serious physical neglect by caregiver

    o   child born drug-addicted

    o   child with Down's Syndrome or Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

    o   child with serious health issues/abnormalities requiring medical interventions, such as feeding tube, g-button, shunt, catheterization, colostomy, etc.

  • The Head Start Program continues to deliver comprehensive and high quality services designed to foster healthy development of low-income children. Head Start grantee and delegate agencies provide a range of individualized services in the areas of education and early childhood development; medical, dental, and mental health; nutrition; and parent involvement. Head Start services are responsive and appropriate to each child and family's development, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic heritage and experience.

    Head Start has had a strong impact on communities and early childhood programs across the country. Each year, Head Start serves many American Indian, migrant, urban and rural children and their families in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Pacific Insular Areas.

    All Head Start programs must adhere to Program Performance Standards. The Head Start Program Performance Standards define the services that Head Start programs are to provide to the children and families they serve. They constitute the expectations and requirements that Head Start grantees must meet. They are designed to ensure that the Head Start goals and objectives are implemented successfully, that the Head Start philosophy continues to thrive, and that all grantees and delegate agencies maintain the highest possible quality in the provision of Head Start services.
    Head Start Mission
    The overall goal of Head Start is to bring about a greater degree of social competence in the young children of low-income families.
    Northeast Nebraska Community Action Partnership  Head Start Mission Statement
    Supporting young children and their families to discover and develop their potential throughout life.

    The Three Major Sections of Head Start

    • Early Childhood Development and Health Services

    • Family and Community Partnerships

    • Program Design and Management

  • Free classes, workshops, and support groups. Topics include nutrition education, computer skills, money management, employability, parents empowerment, self-esteem, stress management, anger management, and more.

    (402) 727-8977

    240 North Main Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Public school system.

    Early childhood program.

    Teammates program (Tom Osborne Program) provides mentoring.

    Newcomers program assists adjustment of non-English proficient students.

    Special education.

    (402) 727-3000

    130 East 9th Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Focuses on improving the nutrition, food safety, and physical activity of Nebraska's youth and adults. Includes diabetes education.

    (402) 727-2775

    1206 West 23rd Street, Fremont, NE, 68025


  • Mediation for all types of situations.

    Family mediation for family and juvenile matters, divorce and post divorce matters, parenting act plans.

    Business mediation for employer/employee, intra-organizational conflict, business and consumer matters.

    Community mediation for cross-cultural disputes, landlord/tenant disputes, neighbor and community disputes.

    School mediation for school, parent, student, peer, and special education matters.

    Court mediation for small claims court disputes or other civil matters.

    (402) 753-9415

    435 North Park Avenue, 4th Floor, Fremont, NE, 68025

Mental Health/Addiction

Veteran/ Military

  • Provides supportive services to very low-income veteran families in or transitioning to permanent housing. The program aims to establish housing stability for veterans and their families.

    (402) 721-0619

    212 East 8th Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • County level services include providing direct emergency economic aid for vital necessities to veterans, their widow, and dependents, according to their needs. Personal visits for assistance and claims to housebound veterans or dependents. Must have an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge from active duty and wartime service. Must be a resident in Nebraska for the past one year and 6 months of that year in Dodge County.

    State level services do not require wartime service; completes applications for the Nebraska Veterans Aid Fund. Fee exempt fishing and hunting permits for veterans with 50% or more service connected disabilities, and $5.00 fee for all eligible veterans 64 years old or older. Applications to the Nebraska Veterans Homes, waivers of tuition.

    Federal level services include providing and/or completing Veteran Administration forms for claims relating but not limited to service connected compensation, disability pension, widow's pension, burial allowance, grave markers/headstones, educational benefits, home loans, insurance, indebtedness, and character of service upgrades.

    (402) 727-2719

    435 North Park Avenue, Fremont, NE, 68025

Youth with no place to go


  • NENCAP Healthy Families program is accredited by Healthy Families America, the signature home visiting program of Prevent Child Abuse America. Our Advocates bring parent and child focused support to families, meeting them where they are.

    Healthy Families Advocates tailor the program to address the unique needs of each family. We collaborate with you through regular visits in the comfort of your own home. There are no income or citizenship requirements to participate.

    What you will get from us:

    ·       Connections to any necessary additional services

    ·       Developmental screenings for your child

    ·       Ideas on ways to enhance your parent-child relationship

    ·       Help with setting and achieving goals

    ·       Support in the development of your existing strengths

    ·       Three to five years of ongoing support

    ·       Evidence-based education on child development

    What we ask of you:

    ·       One hour of your time on a weekly basis

    ·       Honest and active participation

    ·       A secure environment for your child that nurtures their growth and development

    ·       Live in one of the 14 counties in NENCAP's service area

    ·       At the time of enrollment, be pregnant or have baby under 3 months of age

    For more information about home visiting in Nebraska (in English) (en Espanol)

    Healthy families referral forms

  • Individuals can receive personal care items such as hygiene items and cleaning supplies.

    Emergency personal care pantry with several days' worth of home/hygiene items. The pantry is intended to provide home/hygiene goods to the individual until they can be on their feet. Hygiene goods are accessible to people experiencing homelessness or those living in situations.

    (402) 721-0930

    707 North I Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Community benefit program that assists patients with obtaining medications who are uninsured, underinsured and with financial needs. The MAP program also works with patients and physicians to find generic alternatives to costly brand name medications.

    The program provides MAP patients with a one-time prescription to ensure they do not go without critical medication while external assistance program medications are being mailed to them. The medications are provided through the Methodist Fremont Health Pharmacy at no cost or at a reduced price for patients.

    (402) 727-3624

    450 East 23rd Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Immunizations for children ages 0-18. Most adult and travel immunizations also available.

    Van transportation available for a fee.

    (402) 563-9656

    2740 North Clarkson Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Well woman exams, pap smears, pelvic exams, clinical breast exams, mammogram referrals, abstinence education, pregnancy testing and counseling, various methods of birth control, natural family planning resources, and STI testing and treatment. Group presentations available per request.

    (402) 562-7500

    2740 North Clarkson Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Provides medical, dental, and behavioral access to care to all individuals but specifically those who are under-served and uninsured.

    (402) 721-0951

    2740 North Clarkson Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

Extra Fremont Resources

  • Free library service called Book-A-Librarian. Patrons can request a 1-on-1 session with a library employee to go over a topic of their choice. Some areas we’ve assisted with include:

    ·       Email and internet navigation

    ·       Smart device set-up

    ·       Filling out job applications

    ·       Creating resumes

    With Book-A-Librarian, we help patrons navigate through requested topics. Those interested can make a request in-person, over the phone, or through our Book-A-Librarian link on our website (, Book A Librarian quick link). You can request date, time, duration (30-60 mins), and topic. doesn’t work out, we try to offer alternative dates and times.

  • Thrift store open to the public.

    Vouchers are available to provide clothing, housewares, bed/bath items, and hygiene products at no cost to those struggling to avoid homelessness and those successfully gaining independence from having been homeless.

    (402) 619-3130

    300 North Main Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

  • Seasonal assistance includes gifts for children and food boxes for families or individuals.

    Christmas Assistance 2024 sign-up/intake:

    In-person appointments for sign-up are Oct 15-16.

    Online applications close Nov 14. Website is

    ID needed for every adult in the household, birth certificates for every child in the household, proof of address, proof of income, proof of monthly expenses, suggestions for children's gift ideas (wants, needs, clothing sizes).

    For Dodge and Burt County residents only.

    Contact Salvation Army for any holiday assistance programs provided after October.

    (402) 721-0930

    707 North I Street, Fremont, NE, 68025

Foster Kids/ Families