Dedicated to helping families in crisis on the road to stability

Whatever your gifts and talents, we invite you to be part of something bigger than yourself!

These are the amazing ways you will be able to be involved in Covered Waters. We are not ready for all of these types at this time. If you want to help us with grant writing, fundraisers, or a professional service while we continue to set up, please get in contact with us; we would love to have you on board!

  • We are looking for advocates who would assist us by facilitating a life skill workshop in their area of expertise. In short, YOU tell US how you can help.
    Basic cooking classes
    Meal plan on a budget
    Basic car maintenance
    How to be wise with your finances/budgeting
    How to take care of your mental health
    Teach Drivers Ed
    Bible Studies

    God has given each person uniquely and these women could benefit from your wisdom and skills. But even more importantly, they will benefit from the relationship you create with them.

  • Creating and sharing a meal together is so much more than just eating. It is a time to talk, laugh, create memories, and model what family is like.

    We want to invite you to bring the raw ingredients to our home, make the meal with our residents, and eat with them!

    The goal is not to just cook a meal or donate food, but to develop a relationship. This is an incredible opportunity to pour into them.

    We would like to do this once a week on Sunday evenings.

    You can do this as an individual, family, small group, etc.

  • We try to make everything we do at Covered Waters have a purpose, nothing is small or meaningless.

    We are always looking for people to help with the little things:
    Help us provide transportation for the - women
    - Cooking and cleaning
    - Provide relief for staff
    - Administrative help
    - Landscape and general house maintenance
    - IT and computer help
    - Cuddle a baby while mom goes to class or a job interview

  • The reality is that most of our young women will need to get their GED or further education of some sort.

    We are looking for people who enjoy teaching and helping these young women accomplish their dreams!

  • Our mentor program connects you with one of our women.

    As a mentor, you will be with the same young woman throughout their time with Covered Waters. You will have the opportunity to help them set goals and guide them in achieving them, keep them accountable, encourage them and love them.

  • We are always looking for individuals and organizations that can walk alongside the young women and provide knowledge, resources, and growth opportunities. Do you have a company that can provide internships or entry-level positions?

  • On the first Saturday of May every year, we are hosting a work day.

    During the day we will work on projects around the house, paint, landscape, etc. There may be opportunities to help with smaller office projects. Whatever we need that year!

  • Do you know how to look for and write grants? We would love to use that gift that God has given you!

    Because we are privately funded we do not look for funds from the Government. This means we rely on donations and grants to continue to serve.

    Let us know if you are interested!

  • We have a couple of annual fundraisers a year that we are always looking for help with. If you would like to help with any aspect, we would love your help.

    We are also always looking for churches and businesses to partner with us with different sponsorship and fundraisers!

  • Have an idea, share it with us!

    An idea:
    An easy way for you to raise money for Covered Waters!

    Contact Covered Waters and let us know that you are doing the fill the baby bottle campaign.

    You distribute the baby bottles to members of your group or organization. Determine how long you want the campaign to last and give members a deadline date for returning the bottles to you

    Your members fill the bottles with coins, cash, and/or checks.

    You collect the bottles, and, either return them to us for counting or count them yourself and write one check to Covered Waters or donate online.

  • Get your friends and family together to throw a party! All the gifts can be donated to Covered Waters!

  • Engage with us on social media (like/follow us on Facebook and Instagram), mention us in your blogs or website to help spread the word. Share our blogs, posts, and stories. Announce the financial and physical needs and our fundraisers.

    Use the hashtag #changehappensatcoveredwaters


Select the ways you would like to be part of Covered Waters.

You can donate on this website or send a check to
Covered Waters
PO Box 23
Fremont, NE 68025

We look forward to partnering with you to make an impact in our community AND the families of the young women!


I Want to be Involved!